am I the only non-girly one around??

I'm in! All my girl friends use me as protection because I'm tougher than they are, but I am still female and love being so! I just don't act all girly. I love fishing, and mud boggs, ATVing, the woods, and all of that stuff. (also a football nut: GO GIANTS!!!) but that doesn't mean I'm not feminine too. I do my hair up when I feel like it, dance my booty off when the passion strikes me and tuck my dog into his blankie too! I don't think you have to be one or the other. I'm both tough and chika-chika and proud of it!!!
Oh man...75/25 split here. I raise snakes for a living, raise rodents to feed the snakes (LOTS of "grossness" involved with high-output rodent production), LOVE to fish (from catching to cleaning & cooking), have dressed my own deer, castrated calves, slaughtered cattle, color my hair myself (henna), my nails are *rarely* done, currently shopping for my Schutzhund prospect, etc. "Squeamish" is not in my vocabulary!!!

By the same token I don't mind getting gussied up, love to let my hair down (all 47"), and enjoy a good night out on the town...and have been known to visit an aesthetician a time or two, as well as a PS.

But girlie girl? Nah. Woman? You betcha!
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Is it just me or is it getting HOT in here???
What's makeup? I also have never had my nails done, I've always worked to hard with my hands to waste a manicure. I don't even own a dress and my good clothes are jeans and t-shirts. I like to fish, although hunting turns me off as I could never kill another living breathing thing, so I guess I'm a tom boy too.
Fish breath, what do you think the bubbles are whenever you see a fish on TV??? Last I knew fish dont eat a whole lot of beans, so it must be air bubbles, so they must be living and breathing.
I wear men's pants because I cannot stand girl pants that have useless pockets... also have a mens wallet....

Beyond that... I change oil, don't wear make up, refuse to carry a purse since you can lose it unlike your pants... if I didn't live in a room with another girl and no one noticed the shower basket... you'd think I guy lives in here. Well, bar the smell. It smells fruity in here :p

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