am I the only non-girly one around??

@migocontodos :

I think it should be illegal for anyone to wear open toed shoes. I hate feet. They are so gross. God, I've seen some that looked like they've not had shoes on for years and were mountain climbers. Ugh, what a turn off.

I just snorted hot coffee!

I was tramatized as a young child. My stepfather had gross feet and nails but besides that there was this man one time - old fella - his nails were long and curled down and when he walked across a floor barefoot his nails ticked ticked like a dog against the floor. That shattered my poor little mind and I haven't been the same since. Not to mention they looked like old cornchips.

MissPrissy, it's now my turn to spew water on the computer. I got a good laugh out of your post. I'm sorry you were traumatized as a child by an old coots feet, but your post is hilarious.
I too was traumatized by feet as a child, my g-pa has the ugliest scariest toenails I have ever seen. I get mine done once a month, probably due to the trauma I suffered

I just had to drop into this thread to give my wife a compliment. She is an assistant manager at an oil and lube shop- manages a bunch of guys whether they like it or not. She works on cars, can wire a light bulb, has torn apart the washer and dryer and fixed them, can cut and stack a cord of firewood with me, can hunt and fish and camp, and she's a hard working woman. On the girly side, she can cook and clean and knows when to dress up or dress down and look great either way. She went to cosmotology school once and can even cut hair and do nails. She knows how to where make up, but doesn't always have to have it on. Most importantly, she's a great mommy to our two young sons and does a fairly good job at putting up with me.
I am not a girly-girl, and never have been, although I do like to show my feminine side. I don't hardly ever wear make-up anymore (I do polish my toes), don't want or need a hair style that requires me to do daily maintainance (mine's minimal), and would prefer a nice pair of comfy pants and baggy t-shirt to looking cute. I do own dresses for church, have a few dressy things for going out when I need to, but other than that, I have no use for such things. I can use tools, fix a lawnmower and have worked on cars, can build just about anything, and pretty much hold down the fort. I was the little girl who always put holes in her tights, never kept a white shirt clean, and made holes in just about everything she owned (and still do). Dirt and being outside doesn't scare me. It was fun putting on my bathing suit to play in mudholes! I used to play with the boys because it was more fun than boring dolls and other girly stuff. I had a stepmother once that forbid me to play with the boys and shoot b-b guns with them. I absolutely hated that. According to her, I was going to run away and be pregnant by the time I was 14 because of my tendencies. Bet she was shocked I didn't have my first until I was nearly 23!

It has been kind of interesting raising my daughter, who is about 90% girly-girl. Sparklies, feathers, shoes, clothes, dolls, drama queen -- almost to the point of it being nauseating. I can say that she's been more adventurous than my son. She like bugs and animals, and isn't above going hog hunting or playing in the mud. She even has a tomboy best friend. There may be hope for her yet.
MissPrissy, now you made me spit coffee all over my desk. Now I have to explain all this to my boss. LOL (I think he is the one that traumatized you as a child, you just described his feet.)
I don't do ugly feet either. I have wide feet, so I wear a lot of sandals, and for that very reason I keep my feet neat and pretty. I can't stand it when people don't cut their toenails or have dry, crusty feet. That's just nasty and shows a lack of concern for personal hygiene. I have always been very particular about my feet, even when I was a kid, but I can't say I have any traumatic experiences that caused that.
Well, *some* women in *some* olden days maybe (basically, among Europeans you're talking the uppermost upper class, plus the middle class since the Victorian era)-- but most women in most olden days sure did not live like that.

More on the order of 'eighteen hour a day hard physical labor'.

In a dress, yeah, but still.

I wear jeans and t-shirts, no makeup, no salon haircut, no 'eek it's a mouse/spider/roadkill/poo'; I gut fish, build farm buildings, and dig ditches, no problem; and I (not dh) am the one who fixes everything around the house...

...but really, compared to our great grandmothers (and a lot of women elsewhere in the world today) I think we are just about *all* of us living a girlie girl lifestyle, relatively speaking

oh my, lets see

makeup is more trouble than its worth, I think I only wear it to my brother's wedding(s) going on 4 now....

we have two deer on the wall and one is mine, I have been shooting since about age 8. My dad always looks stricken when he realizes that of 2 sons and me, I am the one who invites him to go hunting.

the chicken coop? my design, I get to plan and design and measure and cut, the guys get to play with the airgun nailer.

I overheard my mom the other day mention AGAIN that until my youngest brothers daughter, I was the last girl in 42 years and they are SO happy to have someone to dress in dresses. I never did like ruffles

standard dress here is hair in ponytail, jeans, shorts, sweats, and a t-shirt. i do have to dress nicely when I travel for work (about 4 times a year) but the rest of the time I work from home and wear what I like - still no makeup.

I would far rather work with animals or garden than clean or straighten the house. I do like to cook, but so does my partner!

the mall? If I never go to the mall again I think it will be a fine thing. I hate shopping aimlessly, get in, get what you needed, and get out. Saves money too! shop online when possible. less likely to impulse buy!

I am looking out the window now at the gray virginia rain and longing for spring so I can be barefoot again outdoors. dodging chicken poop, but still I love it! warm breeze, smell of new growth and honeysuckle, waiting anxiously for anything to start blooming, young birds and the hummingbirds will return! it will be here soon!

Non-girly girl here too.

I only wear dress pants & makeup because one of my jobs is in a law office and I'm middle aged, so I NEED a little color in my face or I look like a cadaver.

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