am I the only non-girly one around??

patandchickens just reminded me of one. I haven't had my hair cut by a professional in about 3 and a half years and that was only because I was getting married the next day. Pros always cut off way more than you tell them to. You say take an inch and they take 5. I also don't like making small take with people as they have sharp objects near my head.

I trim my hair myself and that's just to get rid of any dead ends.

Ok going to work now...which is pointless, it's raining and no one golfs in the rain.
What's make-up? YUCK!!! I wouldn't even wear it for my wedding. I did wear a dress however.
I wanted it to be a long flowing t-shirt, but face it, fat people shouldn't wear jersey below the waist.

Yep, I'm a tomboy through and through.
No girly girl here either. I'm the one who fixes things around the house, have a nice tool box in the garden shed. Built the run for the chickens, built up my greenhouse.

Let's see...oh I'm out in the yard all the time finding projects to do, like lay a walkway with leftover rocks from other projects. I do wear a little make up for work. No dresses, maybe a skirt here and there but mostly slacks.

I take care of my tootsies so they look nice in summer (had to say that because of MissPrissy)
I only color my grey because it makes my brown look yucky. I like to hike and canoe. I have a boot scraper by the chicken house so I can scrape off poo before I head back to the house, toss my gardening clogs on the step and I'm in the kitchen making some chilli or something - that's about as girly as I get.
You may get good tips today! On a rainy day they might hang out and have cocktails which can make men more generous with tips! Years a go I had a seafood restaurant, rainy nights and warm food and good drinks opened a lot of wallets and my waitresses made great tips.
If I were going to take a bubble bath, first I'd have to get the duck outta the bath tub. Then I'd have to clean the tub enough that I'd want to sit my bare bottom on it for any length of time. Then I'd have to actually go buy bubble bath.

Frankly, thats just too much work.
I am not either:

1. I don't wear make-up at all!
2. I usually wear jeans (when not at work)
3. I have only had my nails done once, polished (clear) and cleaned.
4. Dont color my hair (but think I should have when it first started going grey.
5.I don't play any stinkin instrument (tone deaf)
6. I like repelling, hunting , fishing, and sports (not Golf)
7. I hate cleaning , dusting, and house work
8. I dont remember ever wearing a dress (for the sake of accuracy I did not make a definitive statement because I did have that period where I imbibed in much alcohol and those few years are not all that clear)
9. I have never asked anyone "does these clothes make me look fat"
10. I only have 2 pair of shoes.
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That actually sounds fun... hmmm... If someone would do everything I didn't want to do I could spend more time with the chickens!

And talk about hair cuts... I've never had professional cut it... and the last time my mom did was when I was five. She cut it too short (mid back) and I never let her cut it again. I cut it myself and can sit on the ends before I trim it a bit. However, I can barely stand my hair down so it's always up in a bun.
OMG was I shocked when I got up this morning to se how many people posted to a question I asked just before bed LOL

I am not the only non-girly girl but now I feel right at home !!
I own 2 pair of shoes sneakers and a pair of open toed slip on sandels that I wear all year round - the sneakers are just for when I have to run up to wal-mart or TS !. I did find my makeup case under the bathroom sink and DUSTY. I do all the girly things in the house - like clean, dust, and I am currently painting every room in the house and applying border paper etc...
I own a sewing machine - have used it once - still has that brand new smell and it is a year old, I have tons of fabric and all the things needed to make a nice quilt - if I only knew how - I love to crotch (sp) and I can cross-stich a nice picture, but outside I am in the dirt planting my flowers weedeating cleaning poop (chicken,dog,duck) I pretty much built the coop by myself, put up all the fencing for the animals, I have cleaned my fair share of fish including the 2 6 pound large mouth bass DH brought home, I do have a dress - black with jacket thing - so it can be dressed up or down - I have it in black so I can wear it anywhere LOL dont have any shoes to go with it since it has been years since I wore the thing - might not even fit any more.
I will be getting my hair cut in about another month or two ( has to be at least 10 inches to be sent to the locks of love )
I am all woman "hear me roar " but just dont make me wear a dress LOL

Julie ( playing in the dirt,but dont my nails look pretty lol )

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