am I the only non-girly one around??

hmmm knew I spelled it wrong LOL


Many years ago my now DH told his parents he'd found "the" girl. You know the one your parents tell you to keep away from when you join the US Navy..... FOREIGN. I'm told when he broke the news to his parents that he had met a girl overseas and was in a long distance relationship he said "oh Mom, by the way, she wears combat boots"

No I wasn't military but boy do I still love a good pair of boots. No girly girl here either.
I have boots with heels, but no spiky heels. I'm 5'9"-5'10", and sometimes its just fun to be kick a@@ tall. I; never go barefoot anymore because fire ant bites HURT!

I can fix a toilet, I regularly fix the sprinkler system, I do all the house hold painting (dh moves the heavy stuff and helps me tape stuff off), I know how to fix the garbage disposal and pull off the u-bend in a sink (EWWWW, it usually means something nasty is going on) I do all the yard work except mowing and edging, I like to cook, hate to clean and think hell is an endless load of laundry. I'm teaching my 10 year old son to knit at his request, I play with beads and would still climb trees if I weren't so fat.
Well the way I see it, it doesn't matter how we dress, look, or what sports we participant in, what it comes down to is we ALL play with chickens and I find nothing girlie about it!!!
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Not a girlie girl here either....

I do get my nails done and my feet as well, but I am ALWAYS barefoot so I have to keep them feet and toes looking nice since they are out in public

Growing up one of three girls on a working cattle ranch, well......

I can buck hay with the best of them. When Dad got mad at us girls he would make the bales HUGE.

100 lbs bags of grian no problem

Rode horses, roping, and team roping

Ride dirt bikes and quads with the boys (still do this) and can fix them.

Fish, tie my own knots, bait the hook, clean them once caught.

Did not hang with the girls but I have a TON of guy friends

4 wheeling and puddle jumping on weekends

DH two Christmas ago bought me a chain saw, woodchipper, and a gas leaf blower!!

NEVER wears a dress, I just did recently and one of my friends that I grew up with saw me and about fell over. Of course he laughed when he saw me carring my shoes

Sweat pant, jeans, capris are more my style. Capris work the best because of my long legs it is hard to find ones long enough and they just do not make Rockies like they use to since it was move out of the States.

Shoes if I have to wear any flip flops, dress up shoes I have Borne clogs that I wear.

I also think giving flowers is dumb. They die. The end. Why would you waste money on something that dies in 2 days? Buy a real flower and plant it so you can enjoy it.

Could not agree more with this post!!! DH knows better then to bring home flowers. I want plants!!!​
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We're supposed to wash our feet???

I'm a blue jeans and t-shirt girl but I do love to dress up on special occasions ... people that have only seen me on normal days are always shocked when they see me 'dolled' up... they say I clean up nice too. I'm pretty sure that it's a put down on my normal, grubby look but my DH is fine without me wearing makeup and such.

I love to do barn chores, even mucking stalls... it's so relaxing and I love the smell of a good barn!

I love to fish and have no problem baiting my own hook. I've helped clean em too.

I can change the oil, rotate and/or change tires.

I hate wearing shorts though because I have 'katydid' legs. So, I even wear blue jeans in the summer, with cowboy boots, of course.

I'm not sure I'm going to be able to kill, clean and cook my first meat chicken ... I may find that out later this year - I may wait and never find out.

I love hiking, camping and repelling also. I'm a crack shot with a rifle or handgun (beat all the guys in the ROTC class I took). I'm pretty good with archery too - but I can't even pull the string back on my son's bow ... he's way too strong for me.

I have long hair, to my waist and keep it in a pony so it's not constantly tangled. I've never colored my hair - I have that natural "dishwater blond' thing going so why would I?

I love to exercise ... not! Ok, I just love the thought of how in shape I'd be if I did exercise... I do love long walks but I'm a fair weather walker so that only allows for half the year walks here.

Hi; My name is Cindy and I'm a chocoholic!
I'm with ya!

I grew up with a brother who wasn't much older than I, so I grew up hanging out with his friends for the most part. I used to love to ride dirt bikes with them. Ever since I was in highschool, I realized I prefered male friends to female. I only have one long-term female friend. Her dad was proud to show me a photo of her from elementary school, where she was wearing parachute pants.

I love outdoor sports, but of the no-kill variety. Mostly I hike, bike, and cross country ski. I prefer to get a good workout. One of those things I'd like to do before I die is climb a mountain.

I have long dark hair, that I mostly just keep out of my way. I've had a grey streak since I was in college. My H says he loves it. He seems to think it means I have some supernatural powers or something.

I own plenty of dresses, but rarely wear one ever. Day to day I'm all about the jeans and worn out sweaters or t-shirt, weather depending. I'm definitely of the "grunge" generation. When I do dress up it is really weird to see people stare and walk out of their way to let me pass.
I think people are waaaaay too focused on appearances. Shallow, really. But that said, I love you chickenforum people! You guys seem a little more real to me.

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