Amazing story...


10 Years
Feb 7, 2009
Brush Prairie, Washington
I have to share this...

This past weekend I had a clutch of BC Marans eggs hatch. After a couple of days, there were two that still hadn't pipped, so I did what I usually do and had a little peek to see what was what. Neither were ready to hatch though, so I wrapped the eggs in damp wash cloths, and moved them from my Sportsman to a Hova where I could keep a close eye on them.

Sadly, after several hours they were both still, showing no signs of respiration, and were unresponsive to touch.
At this point I left the top askew on the Hova, intending to go back to clean it up and throw out the eggs later. It's been a busy week, and I didn't get around to tossing out the eggs as soon as I would have. Temp in the Hova was at 72 degrees, humidity gone...

You might be guessing where this is headed.

Yesterday, while rushing around doing other things, I realized I still hadn't dealt with the failed eggs. Knowing I wouldn't have time to properly clean up the Hova until Saturday, I just closed the lid so it wouldn't start to stink up the place.

Then last night I hear peeps! What? I figure I've gone hatch happy or something. No way could I be hearing what I'm hearing.

But sure enough... I check the Hova, and one of the babies is struggling inside its shell! I quickly assisted the poor little thing, and rushed it to the brooder for food and water. I'm happy to report my miracle baby is doing just fine this morning.

Now I'm going to be paranoid to ever throw an egg out again!
I completely removed the other failed hatchling from its shell just to be sure, and it is definitely dead.

Last night was day 24, so it wasn't really that late - the others just hatched early.
That just shows to go doesn't matter how hard we work to keep the temp perfect and the humidity perfect, some are just going to make it and some just aren't. I can quit beating myself up! Congratulations on your little tuffie!

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