Ameracauna/Easter Egger Rooster or Hen?

Ok so here is my Easter Egger Melody. She made a loud noise today kinda like she was trying to crow.
She is just 20 weeks. None of my hens have laid yet so I don't know
She is a noisy, chatty thing, but very entertaining and purrs.

Is this a rooster?
Can anyone show me their rooster? I see no spike on the legs, do easter egger roosters get those?


Just an FYI - I got my answer with pretty little blue/green eggs This is a GIRL :)
After the storm passes i will catch her and get a good comb picture. Its definitely not a bird who likes to be handled. :/
Or lets you get very close. I was starting to think between the orange patches different looking comb and the behavior that I had 2 roos. But i guess even 2 out of 32 isn't a bad ratio. I'm pretty sure that this rir is a roo
I don't have an answer but the same question about mine

It is 8 & 1\2 weeks old
She is a pullet for sure. She has really pretty coloring! Pullets have gradual color changes from one to the next. Cockerels have splotchy looking colors and they get dark red splotches on their wings. Expect some pretty eggs from this one! :)

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