Ameraucana‘s or Not?!

So is each hatchery different as to which breeds they mix for their EE? What are the typical breeds used when breeding EEs? Legbar and what else? Or is there really not a standard mix they tend to breed together? Idk if that makes sense. Sometimes I have a hard time articulating 😖
It seems to depend on the hatchery. The basic is to cross a blue egg layer (like Legbars, Araucanas, Ameraucanas) with a brown layer (of which there are many!)--this will give you a greenish egg. The darker the brown egg, generally the darker/more olive the green. Cross those green-laying offspring and you'll get all sorts of different shades of green and blue.
Sometimes they'll get line of chickens from these crosses that pretty consistently lay a particular color egg and market those as a "breed" (ie: Hoover's Sapphire Olive Eggers or Meyer's Lakeside Eggers).
They're beautiful Easter eggers. Ameraucanas are similar but they're purebred, and only come in a few standard colors, none of which matches your girls. Easter eggers are often called Ameraucanas or Americanas, but they're different. Easter eggers often lay blue or green eggs but there is not guarantee of that.

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