Ameraucana / Cochin bantam mix


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 21, 2012
Tulsa, OK

I really want to breed my bantam Cochin hen to my standard size Ameraucana roo.
...but I cant seem to find any examples of this combination with the bantam as the hen,
only the other way around.

Would this combination cause fatal complications?
..perhaps due to the smaller egg size?

I'm not even going to attempt it until I can get a little more information!

Hi! A while back, one of my black Ameraucana boys jumped over into a bantam Cochin pen and I hatched several Ameraucana x Cochin cross chicks.
I didn't see where there was any problem with the chicks hatching --- they made cute mid-sized feather-leg green-eggers. I'd say "Go for it!".
What colors are you crossing?
Wonderful to hear! :)

It'll be a blue Ameraucana roo and a black Cochin bantam hen with excellent feathering on the feet....they are both just gorgeous!!!!!

Do you have any pictures of your mix?
Here is my Ameraucana Cochin mix. She is really pretty, and a very sweet, calm bird. She was also my first to go broody, and is going to hatch her first chicks this coming weekend. So far she is proving to be a great mother. She is UBER protective of those eggs, and takes her job of keeping them snug and warm very seriously. ;)

Yey, so glad I came on here tonight. We got a beautiful ameracauna roo a while back, of course he immediatly took crooned over all my hens including our bantam rir, which are tiny, well one of them went broody so we let her sit on a couple eggs, I hadnt dated them, only one ended up hatching, but we ended up with the most handsome midsize red ameracauna. And having been around him since he hatched, he's just the sweetest boy. I will post some pics tomorrow. Thursday we had another mix, brown leghorn with that same (original) ameracauna roo, looks like an ameracauna chick (like a chipmunk), but the rest of the down is very lite. Can't wait to see what she/he grows up to look like...
this is our first chick, hatched today! Father is a black bantam, mother an ameracauna
Hope...hatched 4.20.14
Faith...hatched 4.21.14
Black Bantam Roo, Ameracauna hen(s)...wondering if same hen since they look so much alike
we have a ameracauna hen and a bantam rooster they have a one year old hen who has 4 healthy. one month old chicks


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