Ameraucana or Easter Egger?


In the Brooder
Nov 7, 2015
Puerto Rico
I got this tree chicks as Ameraucanas a week ago, but i wanted to make sure. They all have greenish legs and their combs are still tiny but they look Pea to me.



Thanks everyone! Those where my thoughts, Next time I may have to buy online from a recognized hatchery. Here in PR it seems like he is the only breeder that have different chicken breeds. all the others only have either black or red stars.
The only hatchery that has true Ameraucana is Meyer. They only have Blue/Black/Splash. One of the best ways to tell if someone is selling true Ameraucana instead of Easter Eggers is if they specify one of the recognized colors for the breed. If there is no color specified, it's usually going to be an Easter Egger.
I got this tree chicks as Ameraucanas a week ago, but i wanted to make sure. They all have greenish legs and their combs are still tiny but they look Pea to me.

EE for sure.

1. It doesn't have muffs which ameraucanas always have muffs but EE don't have to.
2. It isn't an actual color pattern as it is more random. (does that make sense?).
easter egger

purebred ameraucanas don't have green legs
there are only 8 accepted colors

your chicks are beautiful, but unfortunately not ameraucanas. I got duped too and have 4 beautiful (SMALL) EE pullets myself.
EE for sure.

1. It doesn't have muffs which ameraucanas always have muffs but EE don't have to.
2. It isn't an actual color pattern as it is more random. (does that make sense?).

X2 on ViolinPlayer123. Also, the greenish legs are a sure sign of an EE as true Ameraucanas have slate blue legs.

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