Ameraucana - White Leghorn produce sex links?

AZ Heat

12 Years
Dec 27, 2008
I have a question that I can't find answers to.

I crossed an Ameraucana rooster with White Leghorn hens. It's been a few weeks & I noticed that what I'm guessing are roosters are all white (or mostly all white) with yellow legs while the hens (based on comb size) are white with black spots & have dark legs. So is this something consistent with first generation breeding? Can you tell the roosters from hens based on leg coloring on hatch day? Or am I missing something? If this is true, it sure would save a lot of feed & time figuring out hens vs roos.

Thanks in advance!
Last edited:
I have a question that I can't find answers to.

I crossed an Ameraucana rooster with White Leghorn hens. It's been a few weeks & I noticed that what I'm guessing are roosters are all white with yellow legs while the hens (based on comb size) are white with black spots & have dark legs. So is this something consistent with first generation breeding? Can you tell the roosters from hens based on leg coloring on hatch day? Or am I missing something? If this is true, it sure would save a lot of feed & time figuring out hens vs roos.

Thanks in advance!
@casportpony @Starburst @3KillerBs

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