Americuanas or EEs?


silent stalker
10 Years
Nov 1, 2009
My Coop
My Coop
I bought these at our local feed store, listed as Americuana pullets. From the word go I didn't really think that they were. I though from comparing some of their chick pictures that they really looked more like just EEs. They are now over 6 months old, and I was wondering if anyone could definatively tell me which they were. To me they just don't look colored right for Americuanas. None of them have started laying yet, so I don't have the egg color to compare yet. If they are Americuanas what color would you call them? Thanks for looking!

Dragon - Chicken 1


Falco - Chicken 2


Hawkins - Chicken 3

Easter Eggers.

As a rule of thumb - if it comes from a feedstore or hatchery it's an EE. True/Pure Ameraucanas (no i) tend to come from backyard breeders who adhere to the standard.
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I'll bet they're EEs. The reason I agree with you is because I also bought hatchery birds listed as Ameraucana chickens, but in the description they also refered to them as EEs. They look ALOT like yours, only when I look at the Ameraucana Breeders Club website, none of my birds match their colors.

Your EEs sure are pretty!

Easter Egger.

As said before - An easy Rule of thumb is that if it is from a feedstore or hatchery - It is an Easter Egger.
Yep - all ladies. Give them time - since you never know exactly what was crossed to what in your particular EE the waiting game can be longer or shorter than your neighbor or friend with EEs.

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