An unusual bond


In the Brooder
Jun 9, 2018
So a while back my muscovy duck laid a fertile egg and one of my hens went broody but none of her eggs were fertile so she decided to help my duck around with mothering duties of the egg the duck in return would bring back food for the hen now the egg has hatched into the fluffiest little duckling and has imprinted on both the duck and the hen and will snuggle under both of them the duck wont attack the hen and the hen wont attack the duckling or its mother they live like a family
What a sweet story, wish you could video them. I know we would love to see it.
That's cute lol but kinda creepy lol... My baby pullets snuggle with me every night and will jump on my couch while I'm sleeping just to cuddle with me. I have one wrapped in a shirt next to me right now lol

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