And now this?...


7 Years
Feb 27, 2012
Inland Empire, Southern California
My Coop
My Coop
I've been completely exhausted by sooo many things going on in my life and the topper last night was finding a large lump in my right breast. Ok now I'm scared! I hope it's nothing, but who wouldn't right? Please say some prayers. I'm gonna need them to be strong since I have 5 girls to care for, 16yrs, 12yrs, 9yrs and 2yrs old.
Prayers send your way! Hope it's not serious
Better have it looked at a.s.a.p.
I used too and I've been in a fog with everything going on over the last 3 month so I have since before then. I have an appointment at 2:30 today to have it checked out. Not something I want to put off.
I can tell you that PROBABLY it's a cyst. Cyst grown really FAST. Tumors, not so much. I will be waiting for a report with everyone else!
Also, even if it's not a cyst, there are other "lumps" that are not cancer. I had one removed when I was in college. Basically a different type of something like a fibroid.

SO -- even if they decide to remove it, it does not mean the worst!

Hang in there. I'm glad you got in quickly.

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