And so now she's prolapsed too? Sheesh... (update:still not better!)


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 29, 2009
Ok, so we've had these two frizzle-cochins for about 2 and a half months and they have been a lesson in chicken issues from day one. First, we kept them isolated in a kennel in the house apart from the younger ones who were still in the brooder patiently waiting for me to finish the coop. Then I noticed one was sneezing and blowing snot bubbles so i brought in another kennel and separated the sisters too. Her mucus was clear, she was eating, drinking, pooping, and behaving fine, just her nostrils were always wet and she would sneeze. We thought maybe it was because she was used to being outside and not in the air conditioning. We covered her cage with a sheet to keep out the drafts, fed her yogurt and baby vitamins, and treated her with vet rx twice a day. The sneezing calmed down but the runny nose never truly cleared up. Thought maybe she was just sensitive to something in the house. The coop was finished and the younger ones went out, but I kept the 2 newer girls in for a while longer. I put the two sisters together to see what would happen. I figured they had been together before I got them so if she had something transmittable, they would both have it already, and if not, better to find out by it spreading to only one more rather than all.
The snotty one had a bald butt and really pokey wing feathers when we got her, but they were penned with a roo when we got them and we assumed it was from him. It wasn't. The healthier of the two turned out to be the one plucking them all out. As soon as I put baldy in there, another feather was plucked. Back to seperate kennels and waited for the pinless peepers to arrive. Put on the peepers only to find out that she could still see well enough through the gap just above her beak so we put a little electric tape on either side to block that part of her vision a little better and that seemed to work. Back together again and no more plucking. After about 3 weeks and no sneezing from the bully, we moved them out with the other girls.
They've been great with the others, and aside from all laying from these two coming to almost a complete stop (the other girls are too young yet) there have been no issues until today. I found an egg with blood on it in the coop and looked all over for the cause of the blood. No one seemed injured. Then I saw poor baldy's butt. I've read tons on here about prolapse since my discovery and I am certain that's what this is. Pretty sure I caught it early since the bulge is only about the size of a large marble. I cleaned her up with warm water and went out after prep h and doctored her up. She's now in the kennel in the house again, resting quietly in the dark. As usual, she's behaving as if nothing is wrong at all.
She seemes to be shrinking though. Baldy was a little smaller than her sister when we got them (was told they are about a year old). I remember thinking that when her feathers grew back we wouldn't be able to tell them apart. Now she seems to be half the size of her sister. And even though she's only had one feather plucked from her since we got her, her feathers still aren't growing back. The ones on her wings are still very pokey like they still have the casing on them or whatever it's called.
Is this just a case of bad luck or are these things related? We're new to chickens. Our younger ones were hatched the beginning of October and we've had no problems with them at all. They are huge compared to these frizzle-cochins and are beautifully healthy. Aside from having to wear the goofy peepers that look more like sunglasses with the electrical tape on them, the other one seems perfectly healthy too. Sorry this is so long, I just wanted to make sure I covered everything. Questions are 1) is she just a dud when it comes to health or is this all related? 2) how many times a day should I do the prep h thing? 3) do I need to go further into her vent with the meds than just far enough to push it back in? 4) since she laid an egg earlier today, is there any reason I should have to check for anything stuck in there? 5) for those who have dealt with prolapse and had the opportunity to use both prep h and honey, which works best? and finally 6) what is the longest time it should take to heal prolapse?
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Ok, so it's been a week and no real improvement. The scabs came off, but it won't stay in. Now the sneezing has gotten worse. I think from being bathed twice a day even tho I keep her wrapped up in the towel and snuggled until she's dry. I tried the prep H for the first 3 days, and honey since then. The honey at least seems to keep the tissue looking healthy. More than the prep H did. Can someone please help?
Never had it happen to mine. It seems to really be like a human hemorrhoid. Regards bathing, you may be removing the protective oil from her feathers and allowing her to get wet to her skin. If so, then she could develop a lung ailment. Any way to just wash her butt only?
If you mean this poor chicken has been a serious pain in the ...
well, yeah, but I feel bad about it.
I only fill the sink deep enough to soak her tush. But inevitably she flaps and splashes at first. Not enough to soak her all over, but her bottom half does get soaked to the skin. I'll try just a warm wash cloth for a while. I've trimmed what little feathers she has around her vent to make cleaning it easier. She doesn't seem to be weezing today. Maybe she just got a drop up her nose. But her rear end still isn't any better

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