And the coop begins

There is a door on the inside, so they could be two seperate runs on the outside as well, with a little more work

For the time being I am not going to seperate them ( or atleast until I get the silkies I want )

It is going to have fencing/ hardware cloth as well. They will also be able to free range while I am home.

The bare spots have all been planted with every kind of seed I could find that would not hurt them. I am hoping it has a couple weeks to start growing in to give them some things to nibble on. The little tree to the front of it is an apple tree, there is 3 total of them. PLus a few peach and plum trees for treats as well.

I want to plant the right side between the fence with something they can eat as well. I was thinking blackberries or something along that line.

I just hope the dog learns they are not squeeky toys :)
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The seeds are starting to grow :)

The chicken wire has been put up and the hardware cloth should make it up by this weekend.

Only a few more nest boxes to build and another roost or two and it should be ready for chickens :)

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