And we have our first egg!

COME ON JULIE! Make it a blue egg day to match the sky!

I got two blue/green eggs yesterday and 7 in total. Was so Cock a Hoop! Just one cream legbar to come into lay, but I think she might need a couple more weeks to get there. Her comb is much less developed than the others, which I believe is an indication of immaturity. No sign of the silky cross bantams doing anything yet either and they will need to start laying before they get broody so no Easter chicks for me this year.

Anyway, congrats on your egg bonanza yesterday! Are you keeping them until you have a full half dozen or was it a fried egg each last night?

Best wishes


my girls gems
So happy about your first egg I remember my first chickens and my first egg out of them and how happy I was! I believe it was a green egg!

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My elderly neighbor gave his chickens (red sex-link) to me because he couldn't care for them anymore. They stopped laying for him in the middle of the summer last year, but after some good grub and TLC one hen is leaving me little thank you gifts.

My 4-yo was super happy to find that first egg. (He can't eat store-bought eggs for some reason.)
It is so exciting to get the first egg ladt summer! I was talking about it all day to a group of coworkers that thought I was off my rocker!
We still celebrate achievments, I just don't talk about them all day with coworkers.

These were some of my first eggs from this year. Two pekin duck eggs, one rouen egg. Feeling lucky that this rouen hen lays colored eggs! Since they started laying, both of them have been laying daily. Loving all of the eggs!
My baby girls first egg was from a cute little silver laced whine dot it was so small then my 2nd egg was a HUGE egg that turned out to be a double youlk it was so cool conparing the diffrent eggs.
Finally got my first egg from Ameraucanas(I know it's green not blue but I'm being told they are pure blood ameraucanas they were just breed for APA standards not the blue egg gene). They are almost a year old so way past due. Also, got our first egg from a was tiny! Guess she's still learning.



All the eggs are mine except the goose egg which belongs to my son. They are all in our incubator. We have 3 chicks that hatched out and 10 Chocolate Indian Runners, and 3 Call Ducks. Our RIR Chickens have just started back laying eggs about a week ago for us to eat and bake with. Nothing like a fresh chicken egg in the morning. We made the mistake of letting our Call ducks for a few hours in the evening. Now the hen stopped laying on her eggs. One Indian Runner is sitting on her eggs. We really enjoy hatching out eggs and watching the babies develop. One thing I noticed, if we leave them in the incubator for awhile they just sleep but when we put them in with the other baby ducks they move around a lot more and look so much better. I love my ducks but now we are thinking about selling some of the older ones only because there really is not enough room for all 6 Indian Runners in the pen and it is a little too much for us to take care of. It can get overwhelming especially if you try to keep them in a pen which we have to do now to get them to lay eggs in one spot. Up until now they were free to swim in the ponds and go wherever they wanted to until evening.

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