Animal dug into coop, left shells ate egg insides

I say skunk too, they're expert diggers and they daintily chew a hole in the shell and slurp out the inside.
They have tender feet and sensitive noses and they're more a scavenger than hunter.
Still you don't want them around, they're rabies and parasite factories.
And the adults are vicious.
We had a skunk issue. Skunk dug into coop and ate eggs. First put out traps. Caught a skunk right away but let the dogs out that morning forgetting about the trap. Of course the dogs had to sniff the skunk which led to a trip to the groomers to get deskunked. Then put an apron 3 feet wide of hardware cloth around the whole coop and run. Since the skunks can't get in they stopped coming. Every once in awhile we get a wiff that seems as if a skunk has been close but the odor quickly goes away. They are just checking in case there is a way into the coop. Skunks are our most numerous pest here. Neighbors trapped and shot 37 a few summers ago.

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