Animal Sales...I believe all for WI...

Nope. Just the animal sales and different craft shows.

Just read my mom your post and she said to tell you THANK YOU!!!!
She's glad you enjoy the soap, and hopes your sister does too....
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I am planning on going to the altoona equity sale this saturday. Planning is the BIG word though. Need to figure out funds plus we are putting up new fencing. Started yesterday and hopefully will beable to get things finished here so I CAN go....Now just need to have someone else take oldest daughter to volleyball game...
The auction at Altoona, does anyone know what kind of animals they usually have? I know it starts at 9am, how late does it usually run? Thanks for any info, it's my first time going to this auction.
I am not sure what kind of animals will be here as this will be my first 'small animal' sale there.
I think Double -T mentioned smaller animals. Like chickens, rabbits, possibly smaller hoofed animals.
I know it probably wasn't much help for you.
I am hoping for sheep, and that ALWAYS needed chicken of some sort...
they had one there last fall.. i bought a pair of brown chinease geese for $10
last year tehre was everything from house birds guniea pigs, hamsters , chickens, peacocks, geese, ducks, chicks, chickens, guineas, lots of goats, a few sheep, llamas, and i think there were a few calves, and like one horse.. it goes till like noon to 2.30 it depends.. oh and lots of pigeons

were planning on going unless dad has to work..

Is anyone else still going to the altoona small animal sale tomorrow???
I have the trailor and cages ready to go JUST IN CASE I FIND SOMETHING....
It starts at 9 a.m. not sure how late it goes until.
I think we (my mom and I and maybe Jason) will be there around 8 so we can start looking...
Hope to meet some of you there.
So did anyone else make it to the sale today??
I was there along with my mom, my hubby and youngest daughter.
We bought a female pot belly pig....$10.00

There really wasn't that many animals there today. Lots of buyers and the animals went for amazing amounts from what I am use to seeing a any sale...
There were pygmy goats....I seen intack males going for $85 each. Females going for $60. Weird I thought as usally I see the females for a lot more than the males. And the prices were so high today. The last animal auction I was at the goats could hardly be given away, let alone get anything like the prices they got today.
I guess it was a wonderful day for the sellers.

I had a fun time.
Ended up meeting someone there who had llama's at his house so we ran there and picked up 2 female llamas. So all in all it was a great day...
May 10th Bloomer
May 17th Ladysmith
May 24th Spring Valley
June 21st Spring Valley

Do you have any more info on these? Like the addresses? Inquiring minds want to know......

I don't know addresses yet. I will try and talk to my mom tomorrow and see what she has for them.
I know the bloomer and spring valley ones are at a persons house.
The ladysmith one is out at the 'fair grounds' just outside of town.

I will try and post the info tomorrow after I get ahold of her...

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