Announcing the Relaunch of the “Other Poultry” Breeds Database!

Yes, we have decided to wait until we have a few more, Nifty told us that it's easer to track that way
, we have not forgotten about you
Oh I'm so glad to see this project. I try to find info on quail lately, but even someof the best threads get to be a little confusing. Thank you to everyone who s able to make this work. I'd love to help, but just got ma chickies and now some quail, so limited in the help department.

I know I'm a pain, but will this spill over to other databases? Like other livestock or pets?

I have some nice Lionhead rabbits when you're ready to do that and I'd love to do a page.
I finished one on Blue Swedish and am one picture short of finishing one on Rouens. It was fun doing the research and meeting other BYC'r who allowed me to use their photos. I don't even have any ducks (YET!). My DS talked his dad into letting him get another duckling. I think we are going with the Swedish.

I finished the page on the Rouens with the help of the great folks on BYC!
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