Annoying neighbor kids GGRR!

Kids can be a real pain but dont be a pain back to them, please... The electric fence sounds good but depending on what voltage and if it is a constant or pulse you could really have problems. My 2 yr old grabbed our hot wire around our horse pasture and as soon as they get zapped that first time thier little hands clinch up and they cant let go. He only whinned a little since it was not set to high. The big thing is if one of these kids has a heart arythmea that kind of shock could cause problems. I would set up a video camera and tape the kids tearing at your fence and what ever else they are doing and show the parents. Tell them that if the children dont stop that you will take the video to the police deparment and file charges. That should help. Jenn
I would turn on the fence too. They will get the idea. This is why the fence is not a constant voltage, it pulses. Therefore you can't have the "can't let go" reaction. It will shock and shut off and come back in a couple of seconds. That or go over the nieghbor with a bill the first time they break something.
I don't think filing charges is a good solution. That would make everyone involved much more difficult to deal with.

The kids are obviously tempted right now into doing what they know you don't want them to do. I did like the suggestion of asking the kids to help you, but that is time intensive and might not be something you want to deal with.

I think the only solutions are to make being in that space unappealing somehow and/or distracting them with something better to do.

I think if you post a sign about your electric fence you may have problems with curiosity and boundary-testing (not like you don't already). Some kids prefer to learn things the hard way.
Yeah but a) even a single shock, taken headfirst, can be dangerous, and more importantly b) if you contact the fence in such a way that you are stuck against it (entangled, or lying on the ground while contactint the fence) you CAN in fact get repeatedly zapped. People have died this way - only a few, but enough that it would be an Awfully Good Idea to cross all your t's and dot all your i's before the fence gets charged.

I think I would have a letter to the parents (with return receipt) delivered that stated that you have asked the kids on numerous occasions to stay off your property, and have asked the parents. You have done this to *protect* the kids, as you have animals and are about to be installing an electric fence which could really hurt the kids. (make it all about the kids, not about you and the animals). Tell them that your insurance co/attorney/etc is really strict about this, and insists that you do this and that you must call the sherriff's office when they come on your property, as you cannot be held responsible for this.

State in the letter that you are letting them know formally that you are not responsible for their kid's safety in regards to the fence or your property, as you have asked them many times to not be on your property. CC a copy of the letter to your local sheriff's office. If you ever have to call them, they will have record that they have FORMALLY been asked and it is THEIR responsibility.

Put up no tresspassing signs (and the thorned bushes aren't a bad idea either!)

EVERYTIME THEY ARE ON YOUR PROPERTY after that, I would call the sheriffs. They will eventually be cited. This protects you, and it makes it very clear. Hopefully, they will take your letter seriously and not make you have to get legal. You do have to be very careful.
arwmommy- I like your idea with the letter, including to the sherrif to keep on file.

The thorny bushes are good too. I really like the compost pile. If you post a no trespassing sign it sound as if it might have to be put in concrete, otherwise they would pull the stake out.

I have tried in the past the suggestions about getting the kids involved with you and your animals. sometimes it works great, others I have come back to bite me in my a**!

When we lived in the city, our female rottie was still alive and our male was young. DH told me about not posting a 'beware of dog' sign and also said not to say to anyone that the dog might bite. If asked, you say you don't know or that the dog hasn't ever bit anyone before, but who knows?


Man o man some folks need to remember what they were really like as kids. I have yet to remember a single angel that I grew up with. Kids love animals and want to be around them. Kids play wherever they can, and without someone to play with them do tend to annoy people once in a while. They also need all the positive attention they can get. I guess things are a lot different in this small farm community because the kids go pretty much everywhere around here, to everyone's homes and through everyone's fields. We have a dairy farm across from me that puts on a community gathering a few times a year and by the time everyone is there eating, all the kids are in the barns with the calves, out by the horses, across at my hogs and chicks, or down along the creek that runs through all of our properties and just having a big time of it. They even come with me down to some of the bee boxes and check them out. Just saying I love my small community more and more and we should all try to put ourselves in the kids place once in a while. With all the cries of shock them with the fence and call the cops every time the step foot over the line, and everything else I would sure hate to be a kid most places now days.

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