Another Barred Rock that needs sexing!


7 Years
May 27, 2012
Lucky Duck Pond
I got this Barred Rock chick from the feed store but her comb is getting pretty big! and pink she is about 6 weeks old and now I am having my doubts that this is a hen what do you all think??? these are my first chickens so I'm still learning.
There is a dark wash on the legs and when we first got her ah him! it had a small contained white spot on the top of it's head.Is there any chance at all this could still be a hen?
This is our first experience with chickens... and it has been interesting and they are so fun to watch. We have a barred rock that is in question of if it is a she or a he.. We have named her Betty and gets along with the rest of the gang which consists of 4 australorps, 3 guienia hens and 3 other barred rocks.... Betty and the rest of the gang is just 3 months old....

This is our first experience with chickens... and it has been interesting and they are so fun to watch. We have a barred rock that is in question of if it is a she or a he.. We have named her Betty and gets along with the rest of the gang which consists of 4 australorps, 3 guienia hens and 3 other barred rocks.... Betty and the rest of the gang is just 3 months old....

There's no question. That is also a cockerel.

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