Another bear!

Well Seasoned

Jun 18, 2018
White Mountain National Forest N.H.
Chicks received in March, coop built during living in the brooder. Run built shortly after they were introduced into the coop. Security audible motion sensors, solar security lights, full hardware cloth apron, pavers, cinder blocks, and boulders along the ground around the coop & run base proved to much today for the 5th bear to sniff around. I purchased electric fencing this evening and only managed to put the insulators in, one at 8", one at 2ft, and another at 4ft. I'll finish up the electric in the next day or two.

The bear moved alot of material! Even tried the windows before giving up. He'll be back, i just hope not until i fry this fence done.

This does go to show that really building something solid helps slow down a predator. A bear could EASILY rip down the hardware cloth if it wanted to.

Audible sensor at the ready tonight along with some rubber slugs should he show up. I'm dine playing with these things!

You may want to feed them inside til this problem resolves. I think the bear actually wants the food
Good luck , great coop btw
Thanks. The new schedule is- They get a feeding at 6am, this gets put away by 630am, and I feed them again in the evening depending on the amount of time they free range, which also gets put away.
Does your fish and wildlife allow for dispatching of nuisance animals? Here in KY you can get a permit to do just that with most wildlife. Rubber slugs sound fun though...
This is the very reason why I feed them inside unless I’m spraying for mites etc. Even though I’d rather feed them in the open air, it attracts other animals. I do spread some cracked corn in the morning, but they eat it up in minutes so I don’t worry about it too much.
My feed is locked in my garage in plastic barrels.
A friend of mine watched a bear take a bag of koi food from his porch and run into the woods with it! When a bear is hungry .... they are pretty powerful animals

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