Another Egg Bound Hen.

How is your hen today?

My hen passed this morning, just after i decide to bring her inside to give her some fluids, she died in my hands
So sorry.

My egg bound hen just laid her egg. Treatment was 150 ml of fluids under the skin this morning, 2 ml of 23% calcium under the skin with it and 60 ml of oral fluids three times today. Very interesting egg, and definitely not going to set it. Will take pictures and post them later. 


Glad she laid
Thanks so much, our hen passed a respectable egg overnight so we are breathing a big sigh of relief this morning. I am sorry for your loss.  :hugs    @casportpony
 is the person who may be able to answer your questions or point you in the right direction. Could she have laid a really large egg somewhere while she was free ranging in the morning? My girl's vent wasn't wide open like that, I had to use my finger to check for an egg and I had to push  bit to get in there. 
I am glad she made it ok. My egg bound hen has not laid one since I just wonder why this one egg was so hard on her. All her eggs are about the same size so I know that wasn't it. Hmmm a mystery
Thanks so much, our hen passed a respectable egg overnight so we are breathing a big sigh of relief this morning. I am sorry for your loss.  :hugs    @casportpony
 is the person who may be able to answer your questions or point you in the right direction. Could she have laid a really large egg somewhere while she was free ranging in the morning? My girl's vent wasn't wide open like that, I had to use my finger to check for an egg and I had to push  bit to get in there. 

Thank you also. Our free range area is quite small and I'm out there the whole time feeding rabbits, quail, ducks and our goose. Plus cleaning out the coop, hutches & pens. I would have definitely seen an egg had she laid it anywhere out there. This is our 2nd chicken loss. We lost our first Americauna a couple months back and was told that she probably crushed an egg inside her. We were able to get a replacement pullet from that feed store. They had no other Americaunas so we chose an Australorp. We found another Americauna too. So we have only 6 hens and Frizzle our roo now which is plenty for us:)
Thanks so much, our hen passed a respectable egg overnight so we are breathing a big sigh of relief this morning. I am sorry for your loss.  :hugs    @casportpony
 is the person who may be able to answer your questions or point you in the right direction. Could she have laid a really large egg somewhere while she was free ranging in the morning? My girl's vent wasn't wide open like that, I had to use my finger to check for an egg and I had to push  bit to get in there. 
I am happy to hear about your hen laying a good egg without difficulty too:)

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