Another Fowl Follower


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 27, 2013
Hello! I already have a thread posted about a sick quail chick. However, I never introduced myself. I am an avid animal lover and I have 1 horse, 1 dog, and 2, going on 3 guinea pigs. I want some chickens but mom says no. Until then, I will have to make do with the chicks we are hatching in class. I personaly am not happy with hatching the chicks because its always so loud but no one listens to me, exept for today. I was in RTI and a chick had hatched during lunch and everyone was freaking out because he was very sickly looking. I am in 4-H so I knew the general jist of chickens/quails. Anywho, I tried to help the little guy but he was too far long and he had lost his fight. He was in my hands when he passed and I had never had soemthing die in my ahnds before. I intend on being a vet and I guess this was just the good Lord telling me what to expect. I gave him as proper a burial as possible. Everyone kept crowding so I had to shout and get everyone off my back. I wanted to figure out what was wrong with him because I care very much for the welfare of these chicks. Unless you couldn't tell, I am probably the only kid in the history of this school to join a forum to see what was wrong with a chick who only lived to be 45 minues old. I don't care though. A life is a life, no matter how small. Thanks for reading! :)
you've come to the right place - where you will be respected and supported. Glad to have you join the flock

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