Another Introduction: Us and our Flock

Welcome to our family!

You chicks are sooooooooo cute!! I also am somewhat new to chicks and had NO IDEA how much fun they are. Wait until you get your first laid egg. Oh my gosh, I was so thrilled and proud of my girls.
Congrats on starting you chicken adventure! Your babies are all adorable (of course)! I can't wait to see their new pics and how big they have gotten.

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. I will get more pictures on tonight if its not raining too bad when I get home. But I did want to address a mistake.

My wife read the post and corrected me, the eggs we had last were 6.00 per dozen, and the farmer had commented when we bought them that if Feed and gas went up much more he would have to go up to 7.00. These were from the Olympia Farmers Market and if the price changes Ill let you know.

We have 4 households looking forward to weekly eggs from our girls and hope to add in some color next year. Maybe 6 EEs and some brown egg layers. Are the black and white Barred Rocks a brown layer? Those are good looking chickens.

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