Another new member


In the Brooder
Jul 1, 2015
Hi I love this site. I have been a duck and goose lover for a while never knew about this site. Wish I knew sooner. I have trained ducks and geese for two years. They do funny things. Also do my best to protect them from humans and animals. I still have lots of questions thoe. Thank you very much
Welcome to BYC!
I love ducks and geese, too. You will find lots and lots of great info on here. I have really learned so much here, and I have had poultry for almost 40 years! Feel free to join in and ask questions.

Very interesting, what have you taught them to do? Do you use the "clicker" training method. I've heard of some chicken folks doing that. There was even a video of a hen doing an agility course- very slowly but, she did finish it. And I have seen a serama roo that fetches.
Hi, welcome to BYC!

It would be fun to see some pictures of your birds. What do you train them to do?

Nice to have you here!
Simple stuff really in the summer i feed them close to the lake because of Predators. They send a couple up to get my Attention then the rest come. Gets overwelming when geese come. In the winter i feed them more closer to the door. They knock on the door to get my attention. My duck knows when he comes in to go straight to the bathtub, water is already in the tub, jumps in for his bath, then joins his mate who comes in and enjoy their birdseed. Maybe they got me trained lol. Papa goose just looks in window and knocks and looks at the table to see if his food is ready. I had to teach big white geese not to be so grabby when taking food from my hand. Theres alot more. We'll keep this thread going and talk about it

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