Another newbie question?

I wouldn't do it. Ashes are pretty fine and may cause respiratory problems. Am also not sure of the chemical transformation when wood burns.
A lot of old-timers do use wood ash, but I also worry about the respiratory problems, especially if you were using it indoors.
I tend to dump my wood stove ashes in various spots over the winter, and come spring I'll often find my girls wallowing around in one or other of the piles. Outside I think it blows away more than it gets inhaled (I hope!).
Obviously we aren't burning any avacado wood in Vermont
, so I don't know if that's a problem or not. We burn mainly maple.
Sand is really good for a dustbath and also makes great grit! If you have a yard with a ton of dirt in it use that, I know that you might be all, "But that will make them dirty not clean!"

But the chicks pick out all the dirt nd they're good as new. We tried using sand and oru chicks thought it was food (they still are trying to figure out what food looks like and sand kinda looks like food) but they'll get the idea soon enough.
Thanks for the suggestions. I thought I had read about people using hardwood ashes. Actually I have a bunch of sand in their run so they can just use that. Hehehe I can kill two birds with one stone.
They can use it for a dustbath and eat it for grit..

Thanks again,
My ladies seek out ashes from our burn piles, etc to dust bathe in. They love it and we haven't had any health problems from it. They have plenty of sand and other bare soil areas, but they prefer the ashes.


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