Another Newbie!


In the Brooder
Apr 8, 2016
Kinda new to chickens...permanent home and more space this time. The last time I had chickens we only got a couple of eggs from them before I had to find them new homes, that was about seven years ago. Today I have 5 baby chicks. I did have 6 but Little Peep died. It's been a week and I'm still sad. She was a grey Silkie. Tulip is a Barred Rock, Cinnamon is a Road Island Red, Annikan Skybalker is white with some black spots - can't remember which breed, Dr. Doom is white and I can't remember her breed either, last is Daphne a Buff Orpington. I came across BYC on Pinterest, which I'm addicted to and I expect I'll become just as addicted to this site.
I enjoy diy projects and scrapbooking. I also like hanging out with my family which consists of one husband, three daughters, two cats, two dogs, two turtles, one snake, one fish and five chickens :D
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Hi and
-glad that you have joined us.

The Learning Centre is a great resource, even for experienced poultry keepers - loads of info on anything poultry.

These links may help you for the moment.

You may wish to consider joining your state thread as it will put you in touch with other BYC members in your area - just type the name of your state in the search box.

All the best

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