Another "Please Tell Me This is Not a Rooster" Post!


Jan 20, 2020
Southeastern PA
My Coop
My Coop
Hello Friends!
I'm at a loss about this chicken. It was supposed to be a Cinnamon Queen, which it clearly isn't. No big deal. I think she's beautiful. I'm guessing she's an Easter Egger. Yay! More pretty eggs. However, I'm hoping she isn't a roo. She is currently 12.5 weeks old. I can't compare her comb, color, size, shape, etc. to her sisters because they are all Cinnamon Queens. She hasn't started any crowing or even making an attempt to do so. She is in charge of her flock of four though. (We integrated her and the 3 Cinnamon Queens into another flock of 3 older hens.) We had a barred rock hen in the spring that everyone said was a rooster so we took it to a farm animal sanctuary. They ended up labeling it as a chicken though! That one was indeed crowing and much larger than the other birds so I think they just got it wrong. Thanks for your help! If Mo turns out to be a Moe, then we will probably keep him and see how it goes.


He is a cockerel, and yes, he's a Cinnamon Queen. They are a sexlinked hybrid where only the females are red like your girls, and the males are whitish with some yellow like your boy.

Please note that if you do keep him and breed him to your Cinnamon Queen pullets, you will not get more sexlinked chicks. They are a one-time cross that does not make more Cinnamon Queens in the second generation because they do not have the correct genetics at this point to make sexlinked chicks.
He is a cockerel, and yes, he's a Cinnamon Queen. They are a sexlinked hybrid where only the females are red like your girls, and the males are whitish with some yellow like your boy.

Please note that if you do keep him and breed him to your Cinnamon Queen pullets, you will not get more sexlinked chicks. They are a one-time cross that does not make more Cinnamon Queens in the second generation because they do not have the correct genetics at this point to make sexlinked chicks.
Cin queen roosters are not blue that rooster is blue
I'm not surprised to hear that she is a he. We love his personality; I just hope it stays that way. I'm just hoping that he doesn't become aggressive since I have 3 younger children. Right now, he seems to like people. As far as eggs go, do I just collect them asap to ensure no fertilization? I've never had a rooster before. Also, when would he start crowing if he was going to do that? Thanks!

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