Another POOP question...


8 Years
Oct 17, 2011
Palmetto, Fl.
I have now 7 chickens the first 4 were chicks and then I bought 3 eggs all from the same person. The chicken in ? is a 4 week old ?Ameraucana?
I DID go look at the poop link and am still unsure. This chick was the first to hatch and there was blood inside the egg shell at hatch too.
Here is a pic of the bird and the poop any help is appreciated.
All of the chicks have been on medicated chick starter from day 1 and are still on it.
Other than these poops the bird seems normal and is very alert


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I wish I could suggest why that is happening, but I haven't dealt with that before. I DO know that there is definitely a significant problem. That amount of blood is cause for serious concern. I'm hoping someone will see this thread and help you out. Best wishes to you and her.
Since she is alert and seems normal, and if she's eating and drinking normal...with all the blood, it's possible there's an internal injury of some sort that might've somehow occured while in the shell before hatch, maybe a weak blood vessel popped. Dont know for sure though. I have no recommendation for treatment. Good luck.
Try taking her off of the medicated starter and putting her on something non-medicated even if you have to crush it up in a grain mill or a food processor to make it the same consistency. Maybe a non-medicated turkey feed or a duck feed. Something in the range of 20% protein.

That's a lot of blood. If it were coccidia, she would be nearly comatose. She might have some kind of ulcer and the medication in the feed might not be letting it heal. I would try to give her something with antacid properties, but nothing that you would give humans. Maybe some sodium bicarbonate in her feed. I would say bananas, but I would be afraid to even give her something that acidic. Maybe try milk or cottage cheese and definitely some kale. If you can get your hands on a supplement called L-glutamate, she might benefit from it. I would also make sure she gets plenty of Omega 3 fatty acids. There are a couple of brands of milk that contain these. That looks like partially digested blood, so it would be coming from her large intestines or cecum.
looks to me like she has coccidiosis I would recomend getting some Sulmet and treating her with that If she gets worse .I had the same thing happen with a 12 week old americana which acted completely healthy and happy until one day she just layed there all day and that night she died I wish I would have treated her with Sulmet but I didnt know what was wrong with her this disease is deadly so act quick .Oh and You should not take her off medicated chick starter Hope this helps.
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If she had coccidiosis at that advanced stage, she would be a zombie if not dead. Besides, coccidiosis bloody stool is cooagulated and very dark. This looks only partially digested and barely cooagulated. I think its a lower GI lesion. Milk and antacids are good for coccidiosis anyway. Treating with coccidiocides is very harsh to the digestive system. If she is alert, I would get the bleeding under control first with antacids, then if she still has diarrhea, I would treat for coccidia while still treating with yogurt, but even yogurt is very acidic, I would go with just some milk and probiotics.
Extreme apologies...The chick made it no issues after turning her to an outside heated coop...not ever going to be sure the cause and really appreciate your Cockatiels and Amazons started mating and laying and have been neck deep in that again TY for responding..:)

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