Another pruning question


6 Years
Mar 30, 2018
I was all ready to prune my fruit trees, but we have had a very warm winter. I am hesitant to prune because every time it gets “cold” (barely at freezing overnight), it goes back up in the 50s. The trees already have new buds growing on them!
So, any advice? The pear trees desperately need pruning but I don’t want to kill them. They are just over two years old.
I was all ready to prune my fruit trees, but we have had a very warm winter. I am hesitant to prune because every time it gets “cold” (barely at freezing overnight), it goes back up in the 50s. The trees already have new buds growing on them!
So, any advice? The pear trees desperately need pruning but I don’t want to kill them. They are just over two years old.
It’s way worse to let them get out of control like I have! Once established fruit trees are pretty resilient. Good luck!
I've been bad and pruned fruit trees at whatever time of year it was convenient. Sometimes it wasn't the "best" time, but it was better that it was done than not. And even if that year's harvest took a hit, the next year the trees were much happier!

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