Another Pullet with an eye issue


9 Years
Mar 3, 2010
Granite Falls, WA
I've searched and searched trying to figure out what the deal is with no luck so I'm finally going to post and ask.

I have a pullet whose exact age is unknown. She was given to me about 2 1/2 weeks ago and I was told at the time she was somewhere between 9-12 weeks old. The person who gave her to me gave her to replace a hen that she had also given to me (with a rooster) but the hen died. I believe that they had cocci based on bloody diarrhea, droopy wings, listlessness and the hen got to the point where she would no longer eat or drink. I tried feeding her and she appeared to get better but then suddenly had a seizure or something and died.
I did medicate them with Sulmet and my rooster seems to be doing fine now.

Back to my pullet; She has had diarrhea and since she came from the same place I was treating her for that. She has just finished a course of Corid but still seems to have the diarrhea (but no blood. I do have the "poo page" and trust me I've poured over it. Hers isn't in the normal range.) Her other issue is she has an eye that is closed or almost closed. Her other eye is fine, her eyes were fine when I got her but several days ago I noticed one of her eyes was a tiny bit swollen and partially closed. Over the past few days it's gotten to where it seems to be always closed though the swelling isn't worse. I have noticed she is itching it a lot. I have checked all of my birds for bugs, lice, fleas, ticks, UFO's, Arnold Schwarzenegger and everything else I can think of! I have to leave in a couple of minutes so I don't have time right this second to post a picture but I can do it tomorrow if that's helpful. It doesn't even look like anything major, just closed!

If anyone has any ideas I would appreciate the help. She's housed in one of those Chick n Hutches with one other pullet who seems to be completely fine. The healthy one (Dixie) is perky and wandering around while the sick one (Pika) is eating and drinking but less perky than Dixie. Pika will stop for rests a lot more often.

I just want all my birds healthy! Thank you.
The eye thing sounds like what my ameraucana chick had. Is the fluff or feathers slicked back around the eye or the eye watery? What was it with before you got it, other chicks? Is it de-beaked?
I don't think I've seen any watery or weepiness from the eye but that doesn't mean I haven't missed it. She isn't debeaked and I'm not sure the conditions she lived in as she was delivered to me. She did live with other pullets around her age and she was purchased from a feed store initially.
Well one test to see if it's watering is to hold her and lightly touch the closed eye, my chick's eye watered or released build up tears from the eye even tho it was closed, that and the fluff was slicked back like it was wet.
It sounds like my chick. We think something got in the eye or another chick pecked it.
So what i did was keep the eye clean and find some eye wash(also called sterile saline) for babies. the one i used was this . I used one of the tubes and washed the eye out. You'll probably need someone to help you hold her and lightly hold the eye open so the wash can get anything out of the eye. but if the wash misses the eye and gets the outside or the chick closes it's eye that's ok.
I then gave her some vi-tal in her water to give her some help with fighting any infection before it started or got bad. It's not antibiotics but vitamins to help her immune system. It took a few days for her to open her eye and start to feel better. I think she got something in it, but it did damage her sight a little but she's not blind.
Now she's healthy and happy.
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Sigh. I had tried washing her eye out and there was no change. I have a picture that I will include here. She is continuously itching that side of her face, especially her eye. There is also no color on that side while the other side of her face has reddish/pink coloring and her eye is open. She is now listing to one side (toward the good side of her face) and is very sleepy, droopy and listless. She will eat if placed by the food and I had seen her drink yesterday but not today. She can barely stay standing and I'm very afraid I'm going to lose her. I cleaned out the hutch she's in and found that while her poop is mostly solid it has now taken on that bright green look that it gets when they aren't getting the nutrition they need.

The last couple of days I have been putting Duramyacin in the water and had tried the neosporin on her eye as per the instructions of someone else. Neither seem to be having any effect though the Duramyacin has only been about 2-3 days and I'm not sure she has had much to drink. Today because I noticed the bright green poo I mixed up some baby bird formula with the medicated water and vitamin drops and dropper fed her some. I placed her on the roost back in her cleaned hutch and she's just sitting on the roost dozing. Her hutch mate seems to be fine. She's perky and running around and when I mess with the sick girl the other one is very concerned. She was most displeased with me for cleaning out her hutch too.

On hand I have Duramyacin, Sulmet, Corid, Vitamin drops, DE, Ivermectin and another Sulfer based drug whose name I can't recall off the top of my head but it's a different med than the Sulmet. If anyone can offer any advice on what to do for her I'd really appreciate it. I've already lost one hen who I got from the same place this little girl came from. In fact, she was supposed to be a replacement for the first one. I also got a rooster who was ill but has since recovered.

hmmm, well the eye looks like my one but not the listlessness,droopy, and sleepiness doesn't sound like mine. I don't know want to tell you now....maybe someone will come along that knows. if not maybe search the form for droopy listless chick.
Thank you for your responses and trying to help. I never did find out what she had but yesterday afternoon we made the decision to put her down as a kindness to her. She had gotten progressively worse over several days. She was no longer able to stand, her head was flopped over to one side and kind of twisted back toward her body some, her crop was squishy and soft and wouldn't empty, she wasn't eating or drinking and no longer pooing.
By the time we made the decision she had no color in her face, comb, wattles or legs; she was completely grayish in all of those areas. I've looked at every disease chart out there and narrowed it down to a few choices but still don't know which one actually got her.
Poor little thing.
You did the best you could for her. It's hard to lose them. But it was very kind of you to give her a way out.

If you get a necropsy, be sure her body is refrigerated but not frozen. I've heard the labs can't tell as much with frozen.

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