Another question about egg size


May 7, 2020
Hi all!
I’ve scrolled through several posts trying to find an answer to this question but either missed it or didn’t scroll far enough.
I have a prod red that started laying a week ago. Interestingly enough, she’s laid every day for the last week, as well. One day was a two egg day but the shells were paper-thin and the inside was a little gelatinous. I expected her to take a break since my last flock certainly did not lay daily, but I’m sure that’s coming soon. Anyway, my question is about egg size and when eggs start becoming a little more substantial in size. I’ve weighed her eggs and compared to the egg charts I’ve seen posted on this site. All but one of her 8 eggs (if you include the two weird ones) have been “pee wee” size - 30-40 grams. The largest one so far has been 58 grams. I am sure her eggs won’t always stay pee wee, but I’m just wondering how long it may be before she regulates and they get a bit larger. She has access to oyster shell and is on All Flock feed.
It took my hens about 1 or 2 months before they started laying proper sized eggs every day.

Thanks! My flock last year laid mostly the same size after the first few eggs, but their eggs were never very large in general (maybe equivalent to medium or sometimes large eggs in stores) and my neighbor even mentioned that my birds had tiny eggs compared to hers. So I’ve been on the lookout just in case to make sure I’m not doing something wrong the second time around.

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