Another rookie


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 5, 2013
Hey everybody! Greetings and salutations from Louisiana.

I grew up in the country, raised on small farms, but now live in the New Orleans metro area. My mother had to relocate for work, so my kids inherited her flock of eight last winter. On Mother's Day, my boys found three little ones on the side of the road. Last week, my DH's grandma retired from chicken duty, so my kids inherited her flock of thirty-something. We lost two of those in transit, and I was able to give away a few this week. And I still fear we're overcrowded. So, in less than a year, we've gone from no chickens to quite a few for a subdivision lot. I've learned that I've already made a few mistakes. Potentially serious ones, pertaining to introducing new birds, mixing little ones with older ones, and not quarantining. We've been blessed so far. Glad I found this site, and excited to see so much friendly knowledge in one place.

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