Another Size Question


9 Years
Apr 20, 2010
Dover, Ohio
the plan is for the coop to be 9 and a half feet by 6 and a half feet.... the run can be any size.. however my question is.. with a coop that size.. will a run that is 14 feet by 6 and a half feet be ok ???? ... if i want to have about 11 hens total???
Your run should really be at least 110 sq. ft. for 11 birds, but your coop housing is certainly roomy enough. And I would think in your area that a roomy run would be more important than a roomy coop. So if possible, I would suggest expanding your run.
Enh, it's not so bad, especially if you can provide stuff for them to DO in there (chuck in nontoxic weeds and similar stuff for them to eat and sort through and so forth). But bigger would be better. Make sure they have lots of *shade*.

Good luck, have fun,


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