Another Water Glassing Question


Sep 29, 2023
Hey Y'all! Well, I done my first water glassing yesterday, and I'm pretty sure I messed up! :( I watched a video online and the lady said one ounce of pickling lime to one quart of water. Well, I decided to put my eggs in quart glass jars, to make it easier to store and pick up when needed. WELLLLLLL......I filled my jar to halfway, put one ounce of pickling lime in it, put the lid back on, shook it up to mix it up good, and opened it back up and put my eggs in it...about 8 eggs. I probaby know what y'all "seasoned" water glassers are thinking....she did what? 😂 Yes I know I didn't use a whole quart of water, I was thinking the whole time quart jar...LOL I know (blonde moment for sure), 🤦‍♀️ question is...what happens when you use the wrong pickling lime to water ratio? Does the eggs go bad, as in does the abundance of lime eat the eggs up and seep through the shells, or can I take them out today and re-do them? And I only did these yesterday, so will it be okay since it's only been 24 hours? I know I messed up, and I definitely had a blonde moment, but please be kind, and if you just can't seem to do that, please just scroll on by my post, because I don't need the negativity, and like I've said before, I'm STILL learning, 🤷‍♀️ and I really do want to learn the right way, and all the ins and outs of this method because I'm trying to provide and stock up for my family. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 Thank you.
Hey Y'all! Well, I done my first water glassing yesterday, and I'm pretty sure I messed up! :( I watched a video online and the lady said one ounce of pickling lime to one quart of water. Well, I decided to put my eggs in quart glass jars, to make it easier to store and pick up when needed. WELLLLLLL......I filled my jar to halfway, put one ounce of pickling lime in it, put the lid back on, shook it up to mix it up good, and opened it back up and put my eggs in it...about 8 eggs. I probaby know what y'all "seasoned" water glassers are thinking....she did what? 😂 Yes I know I didn't use a whole quart of water, I was thinking the whole time quart jar...LOL I know (blonde moment for sure), 🤦‍♀️ question is...what happens when you use the wrong pickling lime to water ratio? Does the eggs go bad, as in does the abundance of lime eat the eggs up and seep through the shells, or can I take them out today and re-do them? And I only did these yesterday, so will it be okay since it's only been 24 hours? I know I messed up, and I definitely had a blonde moment, but please be kind, and if you just can't seem to do that, please just scroll on by my post, because I don't need the negativity, and like I've said before, I'm STILL learning, 🤷‍♀️ and I really do want to learn the right way, and all the ins and outs of this method because I'm trying to provide and stock up for my family. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 Thank you.
Aw heck, we've all had our moments! Don't be so hard on yourself 💗
I can't find any info on what effect too much lime would have on eggs, but many sources describing the process say that the lime seals the eggshells and makes them non-porous. I would *think* that this suggests they would be fine. The only way to know is to experiment.

I also think that it would be fine to re-do them today, since they've been in lime water already.

I have a few jars of water-glassed eggs in my basement as an on-going experiment, started in Jan. 2022. I open a jar every few months to test their quality. So far, so good!



If you can (without cracking eggs) I would pour off half of the contents and replace with water. That would take some of the lime off. I have 2 jars of some "test"
eggs and you reminded me I need to check them , it's been a year now.
Hey Y'all! Well, I done my first water glassing yesterday, and I'm pretty sure I messed up! :( I watched a video online and the lady said one ounce of pickling lime to one quart of water. Well, I decided to put my eggs in quart glass jars, to make it easier to store and pick up when needed. WELLLLLLL......I filled my jar to halfway, put one ounce of pickling lime in it, put the lid back on, shook it up to mix it up good, and opened it back up and put my eggs in it...about 8 eggs. I probaby know what y'all "seasoned" water glassers are thinking....she did what? 😂 Yes I know I didn't use a whole quart of water, I was thinking the whole time quart jar...LOL I know (blonde moment for sure), 🤦‍♀️ question is...what happens when you use the wrong pickling lime to water ratio? Does the eggs go bad, as in does the abundance of lime eat the eggs up and seep through the shells, or can I take them out today and re-do them? And I only did these yesterday, so will it be okay since it's only been 24 hours? I know I messed up, and I definitely had a blonde moment, but please be kind, and if you just can't seem to do that, please just scroll on by my post, because I don't need the negativity, and like I've said before, I'm STILL learning, 🤷‍♀️ and I really do want to learn the right way, and all the ins and outs of this method because I'm trying to provide and stock up for my family. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 Thank you.
I would clean out the jars, carefully, and redo the lime solution. I don't think it's a big deal at all, what you did. Just redo it the right way and I think you should be fine. Don't wash the solution off the eggs. Just take them out of the jar that is messed up, wash the jar only(not the eggs) and redo the solution. Then put the eggs back in. Easy peasy. My water glassed eggs from a year and a half ago are still good, by the way. Kudos to you for stocking up for you and your family
If you can (without cracking eggs) I would pour off half of the contents and replace with water. That would take some of the lime off. I have 2 jars of some "test"
eggs and you reminded me I need to check them , it's been a year now.
I don't believe this would work. The lime separates from the water so if you were to pour some out, it would be just water that you are pouring, with very little lime in it. The separation is ok and normal but pouring out water won't remove the lime that is on the bottom
I would clean out the jars, carefully, and redo the lime solution. I don't think it's a big deal at all, what you did. Just redo it the right way and I think you should be fine. Don't wash the solution off the eggs. Just take them out of the jar that is messed up, wash the jar only(not the eggs) and redo the solution. Then put the eggs back in. Easy peasy. My water glassed eggs from a year and a half ago are still good, by the way. Kudos to you for stocking up for you and your family
Ok, thank you for the feedback :)
Aw heck, we've all had our moments! Don't be so hard on yourself 💗
I can't find any info on what effect too much lime would have on eggs, but many sources describing the process say that the lime seals the eggshells and makes them non-porous. I would *think* that this suggests they would be fine. The only way to know is to experiment.

I also think that it would be fine to re-do them today, since they've been in lime water already.

I have a few jars of water-glassed eggs in my basement as an on-going experiment, started in Jan. 2022. I open a jar every few months to test their quality. So far, so good!
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Ok sounds good, and thank you for the feedback :)
My well blonde moment (and I am brunette lol) was I forgot the ratio and used 1 oz pickling lime to a whole gallon of water. Poured the solution into two separate glass containers (with eggs already in there) this was a few months ago and recently I opened the jar up and both of them stunk to high heaven lol. So yes, you can ruin eggs with the wrong ratio like I did. However, I still have a jar of eggs that I did correctly and they are still doing fine - 8 months ago.
I also learned that not only the ratio will ruin, but adding the eggs into the solution instead of pouring the solution over the eggs is better to do. I can only guess because as you add eggs, they get saturated as opposed to being on top of one another the solution doesn't cover as well.
The suggestions here are great.
My well blonde moment (and I am brunette lol) was I forgot the ratio and used 1 oz pickling lime to a whole gallon of water. Poured the solution into two separate glass containers (with eggs already in there) this was a few months ago and recently I opened the jar up and both of them stunk to high heaven lol. So yes, you can ruin eggs with the wrong ratio like I did. However, I still have a jar of eggs that I did correctly and they are still doing fine - 8 months ago.
I also learned that not only the ratio will ruin, but adding the eggs into the solution instead of pouring the solution over the eggs is better to do. I can only guess because as you add eggs, they get saturated as opposed to being on top of one another the solution doesn't cover as well.
The suggestions here are great.
Although I hate that your eggs got ruined, I am glad to know I'm not the only one that has those "blonde moments", and I too, am a brunette. 😆 But you know, I have come to enjoy this website and learn a good deal from all the advice on here, and Hey!, you gotta start somewhere, and you have to allow yourself time to learn and nobody is perfect anyway. The only perfect one is Jesus. ❤️
I have just started my water glassing journey, so I don't have that many stock piled...yet! :)
But I plan to keep doing it and intend on getting more experienced the more I do it.

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