Anti-chicken elitism in the court of public opinion


10 Years
Jun 8, 2009
So we're trying to get backyard chickens legalized in the town where I live. I was prepared for objections about the potential noise of it, the smell, possibly carrying disease, etc. What I wasn't prepared for, however, was the snobbery :

People in Plano don't want to see, hear, or smell farm animals in their neighbors yards. Plano is know for well kept, cleanly manicured subdivisions, and the residents of Plano would like to keep it that way. Love it or hate it- that is the middle/upper middle class suburban culture that exists here.

So apparently

A) Middle/upper middle class people in the suburbs don't raise chickens
B) Chickens tear down shrubberies, houses, and trees and generally wreck the landscape. Those must be some MONSTER CHICKENS!

C) No other pets people keep legally are ugly, smelly, or loud. Dogs never bark when you don't want them do, poop in places they're not supposed to, or attack other people's pets.


I just get so annoyed when people can't be rational about these things-- to research them if they're ignorant, and if they are ignorant to shut up until they can offer an informed opinion. Instead, what you get is people freaking out because somebody wants to live a little differently than they do.​
We lived in Plano 7 years ago, over on the West (Snooty) side of town. An area where you we not allowed to park a pick-up truck in front of your house overnight.

Very happy when we moved!!!!!!!!!

I'll stop at those two comments
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The people who live in those types of areas want to be there:>) Others's highly doubtful you will be able to change a neighborhood like that. I used to live in one, and loved it! Back then I would never have wanted a neighbor with chickens either...some places are just better left behind
I live in a pretty snooty area. Chickens allowed here, grouped under a homeowner's ordinance that allows pretty much anything as long as it's not a "nuisance", which means if you get complaints you'll have a problem, but otherwise, live and let live. We're semi-rural and zoned for horses, which makes it easier, I guess.

One of the fanciest estates in our area - probably an $8 million piece of property, has chickens and a rooster.

Tell that to those Plano snobs!
They'd have to change D.C. regulations to do it.

Whether the Obamas could join the ranks of chicken fanciers may be a more difficult question. The District of Columbia does not permit backyard chickens, said Michael Rupert, a spokesman for the D.C. Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs.

But if they did, how cool would that be? The president of the United States raising chickens?! How could any snob sneer at the idea after that?​
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This is exactly why I won't live in the suburbs. I couldn't bear being around a bunch of people who have nothing better to worry about than the height of someone else's grass.

Out here in the country, my land is my land. No one cares what I do with it.
Ha! There are advantages. If your neighbor has a car up on blocks in his front yard, he sure isn't any position to tell you that you can't have chickens.
Ha! There are advantages. If your neighbor has a car up on blocks in his front yard, he sure isn't any position to tell you that you can't have chickens.

If you can even see your neighbor.

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