anti-fungal cream safe for silkie?

Thank you, you guys have been great! :) I really appreciate all the advice, I am trying to learn all I can to take good care of my chickens and keep them healthy.
thank you. I hope she's feeling better soon too! Her skin hasn't been like this for very long...... it happened very fast, I think due to my giving her multiple different antibiotics to treat an eye and respiratory infection :( I didn't realize she had a fungal infection until the antibiotics didn't help her......
Thank you for the suggestion twocrows! I put clotrimazole on her skin, and the scales came off almost immediately... what a huge difference! I only put it on her face, head, and neck and all the yellow crusties came right off. Nice healthy black skin underneath those yucky scales. I wish I had known about this sooner. I think this rules out mites? and confirms yeast? I am also treating her with oral nystatin and metronizadole. Is it ok if I put the cream under her wings and on her breastbone? I didn't want to do too many areas all at once, the de-scaling was a little tough on her and time consuming. She sat patiently with her head in my lap. It is ok to use the topical cream in conjunction with the oral nystatin, right? I don't want to OD her on anti-fungal meds.
Thank you for the suggestion twocrows! I put clotrimazole on her skin, and the scales came off almost immediately... what a huge difference! I only put it on her face, head, and neck and all the yellow crusties came right off. Nice healthy black skin underneath those yucky scales. I wish I had known about this sooner. I think this rules out mites? and confirms yeast? I am also treating her with oral nystatin and metronizadole. Is it ok if I put the cream under her wings and on her breastbone? I didn't want to do too many areas all at once, the de-scaling was a little tough on her and time consuming. She sat patiently with her head in my lap. It is ok to use the topical cream in conjunction with the oral nystatin, right? I don't want to OD her on anti-fungal meds.
Clotrimazole is the best stuff. Works way better than Metronidazole. I use the Clotrimazole internally for crop yeast/sour crops. Wipes out a simple case fast! I am glad you are seeing quick results! I would continue using it all all areas of her body that has this infection and get her on probiotics internally. This infection is no doubt being fueled from the inside out. Good bacteria feed on yeast/fungal infections. I think you could get her back to good health this way in a couple of weeks following these suggestions. If not, I would contact Peter Brown. I know what he is going to suggest you use as he sold me some shampoo he sells for a skin fungus in the past. It is nasty stuff if you do use it. Don't get it on your skin at all as it can make you sick. LOL At least it did me. That is why I suggested the human hair fungal shampoo.

Keep us posted and I sure hope she heals soon!! :)
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Oh and as for Nystatin, I am not sure about using both at the same time. I would stick with one or the other. I have never had much luck with Nystatin, at least with crop yeast/fungal infections, but you might being this is a skin infection.

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