Antibiotics in water?

No, only put antibiotics in the water if you are treating your chickens for specific illness IMO. Sometimes at chicken shows you will see owners adding antibiotic to prevent illness because of increased stress and exposure, but that may also contribute to resistant strains of bacteria developing.
My chicks were fine w/o antibiotics. Unless you see they are sluggish, unhealthy, unhappy, ill, after you check with an expert, it may assist to ad a small amount of antibiotic. I gave my chicks antibiotic, and I even used less than told so it wouldn't make the chicks unhappy.
I have always been told to do so as a preventative measure, so we put Duramycin in our chick's water. However, we have right around 100, and they are very messy. I had rather be safe than sorry.
I don't add antibiotics. if they get sick and I have something specific that needs treating, I'll treat. But why would I want to destroy whatever probiotics they manage to build up?
Thanks to all of you. I felt like I was just being sold something else when I got my chicks and figured if they are healthy then why would they need it. I have 14 and everyone is doing great!!

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