Antibiotics Needed? Recommendations after attack?

la babs

In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 22, 2013
My Dominique chicken was attacked last night by who knows what. I live in urban LA, but we have raccoons, possums, coyotes and even a bobcat was recently seen in our area. Anyway, my neighbor and my husband ran outside after hearing a commotion, only to find my girl huddled in a corner of the fenced in coop area in our yard. The other hens were in the coop and seemed unruffled. It was about 10 pm, so I don't know if she was carried out of the coop by whatever got her or somehow was stuck outside at night. (I usually lock them up at sunset, but I was out of town and hubby hadn't gotten around to it).

Anyway, it looks like her beak is a bit cracked, almost like a fingernail that is split a little. Her comb looks like it was bitten too. I can't find other injuries on her (like puncture wounds), but she is listing to one side, and won't eat or drink anything. She is also hot. I just got back in town and checked her all over. I have isolated her in a box in a dark cool room after giving her water with a small syringe.

I'd like to start her on some antibiotics, but am I right? Do you have a recommended kind/dosage? Anything else I should do? We don't have good chicken vets in LA, although I would consider a vet. Thanks much.
Personally, I would not start antibiotics immediately. Ensure that she gets some vitamin/electrolyte added to her water. Keep her in a darkened covered area (in house?) overnight. Often times they get shocky initially, but then settle with care and quiet. You can put neosporin on her comb (must not contain numbing meds). If her beak is not seriously cracked, it will grow out overtime.
Take a deep breath, it's hard to do 'nothing', but sometimes that's best.
Keep us updated please,
Thank you for this helpful reply. She's panting and breathing a little fast, but she does seem slightly less "shocky" looking and she's drinking some water and ate a couple of blueberries. I'll follow your advice. I have her in a box in a dark bathroom right now. I do have tetracycline if need be. Thanks soooo much.
I just checked on her. Still panting hard and breathing fast. Her legs are burning hot. I think a leg is dislocated or something. She's still alive but a lot hotter than she was. Thanks for any help. Giving her water w electrolytes.
Give her another gentle check over - remember a chickens regular temp is between 105-107F. You could try a rectal thermometer if you're comfortable with that. If she's really fussy about the check over, do it in short stages. Example - 1st check over her head, comb & wattles, 2nd check wings,rump. Give her a decent break between each stage of your exam. The advantage of doing it this way is that it doesn't upset the bird too badly and she will start to relax a bit for when you get down to the legs and tummy. - don't forget to give her a treat after each check!
Thank you oh chicken mentor! I gave her some baby aspirin as per dosage on this site, at 4 am. She was so hot and panting so badly. I just redosed her. She is less hot and seems slightly better. Still panting some, but she has moved around a little. She won't eat anything. She will take electrolyte solution in a dropper. I did look her over again, and I can't see anything. Thanks for any advice.
Thank you oh chicken mentor! I gave her some baby aspirin as per dosage on this site, at 4 am. She was so hot and panting so badly. I just redosed her. She is less hot and seems slightly better. Still panting some, but she has moved around a little. She won't eat anything. She will take electrolyte solution in a dropper. I did look her over again, and I can't see anything. Thanks for any advice.

It's very hard to essentially 'do nothing' isn't it? I have found there have been very few situations where the hens haven't sorted themselves out with a bit of 'tlc'. It's great that she is starting to move around a bit, all progress! Her comb should heal just fine with soap, water & neosporin. Food-wise - have you tried her with some more blueberries? mealworms? I have found that a slurry of oatmeal with some probiotic yoghurt usually tempts them nicely. Just one dollop of yoghurt since chickens don't process dairy really well. Hang in there nurse!
Oh - and don't forget to forgive your husband, he probably feels terrible..
Good morning Chicken Mentor! It is so kind of you, a stranger, to help me on the other side of the country! In any event, here's the update. I thought she would die during the night since she just isn't eating. She had her head down, panting etc. She was awake this morning. I've tempted her w cat food, blueberries and meal worms, all favorites of hers. No dice. So this morning I beat an egg. She still won't eat on her own. I fed it to her w an eye dropper. But she really wanted it and ate about 2/3ds of it. I also gave her some electrolytes. She is not breathing as rapidly or panting as much. She looks and feels cooler. She looks like she is in less pain. I didn't take her out of her box because I think something may be broken. She flaps her wings, but can't stand up on her own, she just can't put weight on one side. Her leg isn't broken, at least from what I can tell.

In any event, she was looking at me and looking around this morning. Then she pecked at a drop of the egg that had fallen near her and at a little dot of cat food I offered her. That's the first time since Sunday she's pecked at food. It was just 2 pecks, but that along w the way she's interactive this morning has given me some hope.

I haven't blamed my husband for this accident. Lol. He is too hard on himself, and it could have happened on my watch, although I'm more careful these days because we have a bobcat around.

I would probably be completely freaked out without your help. So thanks again for your response.
Good morning Chicken Mentor! It is so kind of you, a stranger, to help me on the other side of the country! In any event, here's the update. I thought she would die during the night since she just isn't eating. She had her head down, panting etc. She was awake this morning. I've tempted her w cat food, blueberries and meal worms, all favorites of hers. No dice. So this morning I beat an egg. She still won't eat on her own. I fed it to her w an eye dropper. But she really wanted it and ate about 2/3ds of it. I also gave her some electrolytes. She is not breathing as rapidly or panting as much. She looks and feels cooler. She looks like she is in less pain. I didn't take her out of her box because I think something may be broken. She flaps her wings, but can't stand up on her own, she just can't put weight on one side. Her leg isn't broken, at least from what I can tell.

In any event, she was looking at me and looking around this morning. Then she pecked at a drop of the egg that had fallen near her and at a little dot of cat food I offered her. That's the first time since Sunday she's pecked at food. It was just 2 pecks, but that along w the way she's interactive this morning has given me some hope.

I haven't blamed my husband for this accident. Lol. He is too hard on himself, and it could have happened on my watch, although I'm more careful these days because we have a bobcat around.

I would probably be completely freaked out without your help. So thanks again for your response.

It certainly sounds like she is making progress! If she's taking interest in her surroundings she doing better..keep up the good work.
I enjoy trying to help. I'm not great on the more complex chicken diseases, but as an emergency nurse the trauma stuff comes fairly easy.
If her progress continues over the next couple of days, I would take her out of her box and let her try to stand, by watching carefully you should be able to determine whether the injury is in the upper or lower part of the leg. You may have to do a little massage/physiotherapy to get things moving - assuming nothing is broken.

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