

May 4, 2015
Prairieville, Louisiana
over the past week or so ive noticed ant hills (small to big in size) popping up all over my yard. What are some ways you take care of the ants? My chicks free range during the day so the more natural the better.

Everyone around here calls them sugar ants. They are all black and very small.
Why are you trying to get rid of the ants? Are they killing your chickens or something?

There are tons of ants all over the Earth, but as far as I can tell, they are not doing any harm and are actually a very beneficial insect. I don't see any reason to kill them unless they are doing something really bad.

I would suggest that you feel flattered to have such interesting creatures nearby who can provide some food for your chickens and not worry about it. That is what I have done, and our ants are really big and red.

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