Any chance i have a boy?


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 5, 2011
I have 2 Rouens (we think) they look very similar, I think they are probably girls, but I really want a boy so just figured I'd ask your opinions...Thanks a bunch


One of them has slightly less pattern in the back wings and the chest is duller. Sorry you can't really see it in the pictures, these ducks don't like people
you wont be able to tell for sure for a bit longer but by now you can probably tell by the quacks. My male Rouen had an olive green bill after he lost all of his baby fuzz but I still wasn't 100% sure untill he started getting his adult feathers.
Why don't I want a boy?? I've never had ducks before. We just got the ducks for fun they will probably be dinner some night this fall.
Well usually everyone wants more girls because of their hatch or when they get striaght run they ALWAYS get to many males, on occasion there will be the VERY VERY VERY luck few to get more females than males!

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