any computer printer wizards out there?

Sorry to sound stupid, but what is this?

I believe DPI is "dots per inch." (Correct me if I'm wrong!) Printers make the pictures by printing very tiny dots. The more DPI, the better quality picture.
Sorry to sound stupid, but what is this?

I believe DPI is "dots per inch." (Correct me if I'm wrong!) Printers make the pictures by printing very tiny dots. The more DPI, the better quality picture.

Yes, that is right. Yomama, if there are little spoked wheels that help pull the paper through on there side that the image is printed, I could see them causing streaks if there was dust or fuzz on them(which might capture and smear the ink on the page). Just a thought. I hope you can get it figured out!
It is a setting in your printer that can be changed so if you want just a document they can usually be printed with less dots per inch so that is a usual setting since this is what most people use their printers for. When printing photo- like copies you need to increase this setting. It also depends on the type of image - i.e. whether it is a GIF or jpg or ping ..etc. GIF images don't print out very well.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I got it figured out!
I completely cleaned any type of wheel that threads the paper in, especially focusing on the area that the streak was coming from. Then I did as suggested and adjusted the dpi, (for my printer, its ppi, pixels per inch)to 600. My hands may be covered in red and black ink, but by golly, the picture turned out great. Thanks again everyone!!
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