
Sep 15, 2020
My ducks are currently living in a shed of mine during the night but I will need to move them out soon. I want to build them a coop for them to go in at night to keep them safe (mostly from Coyotes). I would rather not buy one because all that I’ve seen are expensive. I was wandering if anyone had any ideas on how to build one. I have just 5 ducks so it won’t have to be very big, but enough for them to be comfortable. It will need to give my ducks some shelter from wind and of course be able to help them stay comfortable in the winter while having some ventilation. Other than that, it just needs to be pretty cheap to build (also preferably not super heavy so I can move it around.) Thank you 💕💕
Thank you!
If you do use pallets, be prepared for prying them apart. Buy a real pallet buster or just use a circular saw to cut what you can apart. A cautionary tale for you- I only hammered off 2 pieces of wood from a pallet 3 months ago and I developed tennis elbow. I still have it right now and can’t even open a jar. Needless to say, my new chicken coop that I was working on has been sitting idle ever since:bow

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