Any Experiences with GroGel Plus?


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 20, 2013
I have ordered some GroGel Plus with my baby chicks because of some positive reviews I have seen on the product. Do any of you have any experience with the stuff and if so how long should I feed it to them before switching to normal chick feed?

I just want to give the little ones the best start possible and help them recover from their journey.

Thanks for for any input or advice on this.
I agree with slabcrappy.
Great stuff. Yes, top off the food, don't mix it in the food. Little bit goes a long way, Just mix 1/8 teaspoon with water and then you can make more if you need it. was amazed at how much it expanded when wet!
Thanks for the replies. I have my little ones coming next week and being a new mom to chickens makes me a little nervous. By the time my next delivery of chicks comes I will hopefully be a little more comfortable. I have a couple of packs coming with both chick deliveries, I figured they could use all the help they could get traveling in a box hundreds of miles for a day or so. I will post an update once I see how well it works or not.

Thanks for the replies and the tips it helps so much
 I agree with slabcrappy.
Great stuff. Yes, top off the food, don't mix it in the food. Little bit goes a long way,  Just mix 1/8 teaspoon with water and then you can make more if you need it. was amazed at how much it expanded when wet!

How much water do you mix 1/8 teaspoon of Grogel with?
Update. Our chicks loved the GroGel Plus and you could not even tell that they had just been shipped in from Texas. Great stuff. I would recommend it to anyone for their little chicks. Perky little buggers for sure!!!

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