Any Fellow Computer Programmers Out There??


5 Years
Apr 7, 2014
Byron, Illinois
I am a computer programmer and Backyard Chicken enthusiast who has thought on multiple occasions that it might be fun to create some sort of program (either online or standalone) that could be used by fellow Backyard Chicken enthusiasts to manage and keep track of their flocks in any number of different areas. It would be a program simple enough to keep track of a few birds with basic dates and information, but also be complex enough if someone wanted to use it to track breeding or egg production, yet still on a smaller scale. It would be more of a fun project than a money maker, though, I am not opposed to some cost for it either.

Is there anyone else out there who also has programming knowledge that might be interested in this type of endeavour? This is just to get an idea if there is anyone else out there. I have thought many times I would like to do it, but I don't have the time alone to really dedicate to it and still make it useful and see it through. Plus different skill sets can offer different perspectives on things.

I am a computer programmer and Backyard Chicken enthusiast who has thought on multiple occasions that it might be fun to create some sort of program (either online or standalone) that could be used by fellow Backyard Chicken enthusiasts to manage and keep track of their flocks in any number of different areas. It would be a program simple enough to keep track of a few birds with basic dates and information, but also be complex enough if someone wanted to use it to track breeding or egg production, yet still on a smaller scale. It would be more of a fun project than a money maker, though, I am not opposed to some cost for it either.

Is there anyone else out there who also has programming knowledge that might be interested in this type of endeavour? This is just to get an idea if there is anyone else out there. I have thought many times I would like to do it, but I don't have the time alone to really dedicate to it and still make it useful and see it through. Plus different skill sets can offer different perspectives on things.

Did you ever get a database built for small scale egg and chicken tracking? I am having a tough time finding anything for BYC tracking. Only interested tracking who's laying and cost of feed and supplies for 8-10 chickens. Thanks for any direction!

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