Any guesses on breed and sex?

Flying Feathers

In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 2, 2013
I've got twelve of them, but this is a good overview of what I have.

I think these are Barred Rocks and the one standing tall is a fella...

EE's possibly?

Maybe a Leghorn and I don't know have a clue on the small one. She/he is the runt of the bunch.

A Delaware (male?) and I have no clue what the darker one is his face is very different than the others...but I think male as well.
The first pic I agree with you, looks like a pair of BRs.
Pic #2-the one on the left looks like a speckled sussex. Not sure about the one on the right, it looks like it has yellow legs. Welsummer maybe?
Pic #3- the yellowish chick looks like a Buff Orpington. Leghorns have yellow legs, not pink. I have no idea about the other chick.
Pic #4- I think that's a Delaware, I KNOW the other is a gold laced Wyandotte ;)

Not sure about the sex on any (except the Rocks), still too early for me! They're adorable!
Thanks so much for the info! Its all been guesswork at this point, but I'm going to be a happy gal if I do indeed have such a great assortment of babies. :) I think they are adorable too.
Okay, a few weeks later and some new pictures. I just wish they were as amenable to having their pictures taken now as they were back then!
Needless to say, they aren't as adorable as they were - growing real feathers seems to put the ugly on em.

1# My Barred Rocks Henry and Harry (Harriet). I'm pretty sure I've got a pair here.

2# Henry, my best bud and Harry again.

3# Mystery chicks. I think I have one pullet and one cockerel...

4# The possible fella - any clues what he might be?

5# I have four of what I think are Speckled Sussex and I'm beginning to think that they are all male!

6# A single shot of one of the SS - they are total freaks and fight with everyone, even me. I see the cookpot in their futures.

7# My Buff OP? and GLW (Gertie). I'm crossing my fingers that they are both female.

8# Gertie glaring at the camera.

9# Shy baby that I think is a Wellsummer - please let it be a female!

Anyway, that's my babies, or most of them. Honestly I can't really tell all the SS apart and they are hard to deal with as a group, so a few of them got left out of the fashion show. Any help you can give me on sexing these babies would be much appreciated since I'm thinking that I'll have to get more chicks in order to have enough gals to make up my flock!

Thanks again!
#5 and #6 look like they might be game birds...I'm thinking Cornish. Their upright stance and rakish attitude are what gives me the clues.
#5 and #6 look like they might be game birds...I'm thinking Cornish. Their upright stance and rakish attitude are what gives me the clues.

They are sure full of frisk! They are the trouble makers of the bunch, always fighting with everyone else. So...are Cornish good birds for a small flock or are they just freezer fodder?

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