Any homemade fly spray "recipes"?

I've recently been told lavender works as a repellent. We haven't gotten into the season yet here so I haven't had a chance to test it.

The mosquitos here are horrid, it's the only reason I've thought of some guineas! We also are looking at adding some bat and swallow houses.
arabianequine- I noticed that the Bronco label said not for use on foals under, I think, 3 months old. I felt iffy about using it on young calves also. I used it the last couple years when flies were really bad, though. No problems here either, but it made me cringe when they started to lick themselves. The warnings on the bottle are a little scary.

YakLady- I hope some of these recipes work for you too! I'm sure they will also work for humans. Speaking as a fellow mosquito magnet, my fave is an herbal insect repellant from Burts Bees. It's oily, which is a little problematic, but it does a great job and I love the way it smells!
Skin so soft Does not contain deet but is still very toxic. Pthalates, etc, it got an 8 of 10 for toxicity on the EWG cosmetics website. I know it is so tiresome, but stick with the oils, not products from chemical companies.

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