Any idea on what kind of duckling?


11 Years
Apr 1, 2008
Stopped at Coastal Farm and Garden yesterday to get feed and bedding.
They had chicks and ducklings out.


There in the "assorted ducks" bin was the cutest all black duckling.

His feet and legs were solid deep black. His down was dark solid black, no markings or only. His bill was solid black as well. He was like a little ninja.

I was SO tempted to bring him(not sure if was boy or girl but seems appropriate to call boy!) home but didnt..... still considering it though.

Any idea on what kind he is?
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Sounds like a Cayuga.

Scroll down to the duckling pic. Does that look like him/her???
Well, I think you guys are right!
The Cayuga ducklings look just like him......


his name is George and he is living in my living room with an EE chick........

Hubby gave in and we went back to get him today! Though he did put his foot down at me getting a baby sling and carrying George around all day.

And we got the EE chick because we are BIG EE fans and they are Hubby favorite(and since he said I could have George.... I let him pick the chick) and George needed a cuddle friend and since he was the only black duckling and chances are pretty good he is Cayuga while the others are questionable because the ducklings resembled many breeds.

So far, they are doing great. Eating and drinking.

I will get pics up soon!

Thanks for you help guys!!
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