any idea what color theses babies are called

sayges parents
They are sitting on 5 eggs& 1 quaker egg due starting tomorrow,
Also a quaker pair on 6 eggs due the 10 th
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Mom cant be split cinnamon. Females either are or they arent, they cant be split cinnamon (or pearl, or lutino). Looks like a nicely marked heavy pied pearl chick. If mom is not pearl this chick is a girl
Dad could very well BE Pearl -- males lose the Pearl markings by the first or second molt, but if they showed Pearl as babies, they'll forever genetically BE Pearl. If he doesn't have Cinnamon color, he could be split to Cinnamon if you see the color in offspring (but the pic of a baby you last posted doesn't appear to be Cinnamon). Mom looks to be split to Pied -- they often have a few yellow feathers on the head.


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